Compact Theme - theme options
Basic theme include:
<!-- Include Unite Gallery core files -->
<script src='unitegallery/js/unitegallery.min.js' type='text/javascript' ></script>
<link href='unitegallery/css/unite-gallery.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<!-- include Unite Gallery Theme Files -->
<script src='unitegallery/themes/compact/ug-theme-compact.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<div id="gallery"> ... </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
gallery_theme: "compact"
All theme options:
gallery_theme: "compact",
//theme options
theme_panel_position: "bottom", //top, bottom, left, right - thumbs panel position
theme_hide_panel_under_width: 480 //hide panel under certain browser width, if null, don't hide
// gallery options
gallery_width:900, //gallery width
gallery_height:500, //gallery height
gallery_min_width: 400, //gallery minimal width when resizing
gallery_min_height: 300, //gallery minimal height when resizing
gallery_skin:"default", //default, alexis etc... - the global skin of the gallery. Will change all gallery items by default.
gallery_images_preload_type:"minimal", //all , minimal , visible - preload type of the images.
//minimal - only image nabours will be loaded each time.
//visible - visible thumbs images will be loaded each time.
//all - load all the images first time.
gallery_autoplay:false, //true / false - begin slideshow autoplay on start
gallery_play_interval: 3000, //play interval of the slideshow
gallery_pause_on_mouseover: true, //true,false - pause on mouseover when playing slideshow true/false
gallery_control_thumbs_mousewheel:false, //true,false - enable / disable the mousewheel
gallery_control_keyboard: true, //true,false - enable / disble keyboard controls
gallery_carousel:true, //true,false - next button on last image goes to first image.
gallery_preserve_ratio: true, //true, false - preserver ratio when on window resize
gallery_debug_errors:true, //show error message when there is some error on the gallery area.
gallery_background_color: "", //set custom background color. If not set it will be taken from css.
//slider options:
slider_scale_mode: "fill", //fit: scale down and up the image to always fit the slider
//down: scale down only, smaller images will be shown, don't enlarge images (scale up)
//fill: fill the entire slider space by scaling, cropping and centering the image
slider_scale_mode_media: "fill", //fit, down, full scale mode on media items
slider_scale_mode_fullscreen: "down", //fit, down, full scale mode on fullscreen.
slider_item_padding_top: 0, //padding top of the slider item
slider_item_padding_bottom: 0, //padding bottom of the slider item
slider_item_padding_left: 0, //padding left of the slider item
slider_item_padding_right: 0, //padding right of the slider item
slider_transition: "slide", //fade, slide - the transition of the slide change
slider_transition_speed:300, //transition duration of slide change
slider_transition_easing: "easeInOutQuad", //transition easing function of slide change
slider_control_swipe:true, //true,false - enable swiping control
slider_control_zoom:true, //true, false - enable zooming control
slider_zoom_max_ratio: 6, //max zoom ratio
slider_loader_type: 1, //shape of the loader (1-7)
slider_loader_color:"white", //color of the loader: (black , white)
slider_enable_bullets: false, //enable the bullets onslider element
slider_bullets_skin: "", //skin of the bullets, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_bullets_space_between: -1, //set the space between bullets. If -1 then will be set default space from the skins
slider_bullets_align_hor:"center", //left, center, right - bullets horizontal align
slider_bullets_align_vert:"bottom", //top, middle, bottom - bullets vertical algin
slider_bullets_offset_hor:0, //bullets horizontal offset
slider_bullets_offset_vert:10, //bullets vertical offset
slider_enable_arrows: true, //enable arrows onslider element
slider_arrows_skin: "", //skin of the slider arrows, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_arrow_left_align_hor:"left", //left, center, right - left arrow horizonal align
slider_arrow_left_align_vert:"middle", //top, middle, bottom - left arrow vertical align
slider_arrow_left_offset_hor:20, //left arrow horizontal offset
slider_arrow_left_offset_vert:0, //left arrow vertical offset
slider_arrow_right_align_hor:"right", //left, center, right - right arrow horizontal algin
slider_arrow_right_align_vert:"middle", //top, middle, bottom - right arrow vertical align
slider_arrow_right_offset_hor:20, //right arrow horizontal offset
slider_arrow_right_offset_vert:0, //right arrow vertical offset
slider_enable_progress_indicator: true, //enable progress indicator element
slider_progress_indicator_type: "pie", //pie, pie2, bar (if pie not supported, it will switch to bar automatically)
slider_progress_indicator_align_hor:"left", //left, center, right - progress indicator horizontal align
slider_progress_indicator_align_vert:"top", //top, middle, bottom - progress indicator vertical align
slider_progress_indicator_offset_hor:16, //progress indicator horizontal offset
slider_progress_indicator_offset_vert:36, //progress indicator vertical offset
slider_progressbar_color:"#ffffff", //progress bar color
slider_progressbar_opacity: 0.6, //progress bar opacity
slider_progressbar_line_width: 5, //progress bar line width
slider_progresspie_type_fill: false, //false is stroke, true is fill - the progress pie type, stroke of fill
slider_progresspie_color1: "#B5B5B5", //the first color of the progress pie
slider_progresspie_color2: "#E5E5E5", //progress pie second color
slider_progresspie_stroke_width: 6, //progress pie stroke width
slider_progresspie_width: 30, //progess pie width
slider_progresspie_height:30, //progress pie height
slider_enable_play_button: true, //true,false - enable play / pause button onslider element
slider_play_button_skin: "", //skin of the slider play button, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_play_button_align_hor:"left", //left, center, right - play button horizontal align
slider_play_button_align_vert:"top", //top, middle, bottom - play button vertical align
slider_play_button_offset_hor:40, //play button horizontal offset
slider_play_button_offset_vert:8, //play button vertical offset
slider_enable_fullscreen_button: true, //true,false - enable fullscreen button onslider element
slider_fullscreen_button_skin: "", //skin of the slider fullscreen button, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_fullscreen_button_align_hor:"left", //left, center, right - fullscreen button horizonatal align
slider_fullscreen_button_align_vert:"top", //top, middle, bottom - fullscreen button vertical align
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_hor:11, //fullscreen button horizontal offset
slider_fullscreen_button_offset_vert:9, //fullscreen button vertical offset
slider_enable_zoom_panel: true, //true,false - enable the zoom buttons, works together with zoom control.
slider_zoompanel_skin: "", //skin of the slider zoom panel, if empty inherit from gallery skin
slider_zoompanel_align_hor:"right", //left, center, right - zoom panel horizontal align
slider_zoompanel_align_vert:"top", //top, middle, bottom - zoom panel vertical align
slider_zoompanel_offset_hor:12, //zoom panel horizontal offset
slider_zoompanel_offset_vert:10, //zoom panel vertical offset
slider_controls_always_on: true, //true,false - controls are always on, false - show only on mouseover
slider_controls_appear_ontap: true, //true,false - appear controls on tap event on touch devices
slider_controls_appear_duration: 300, //the duration of appearing controls
slider_videoplay_button_type: "square", //square, round - the videoplay button type, square or round
slider_enable_text_panel: false, //true,false - enable the text panel
slider_textpanel_always_on: true, //true,false - text panel are always on, false - show only on mouseover
slider_textpanel_text_valign:"middle", //middle, top, bottom - text vertical align
slider_textpanel_padding_top:10, //textpanel padding top
slider_textpanel_padding_bottom:10, //textpanel padding bottom
slider_textpanel_height: null, //textpanel height. if null it will be set dynamically
slider_textpanel_padding_title_description: 5, //the space between the title and the description
slider_textpanel_padding_right: 11, //cut some space for text from right
slider_textpanel_padding_left: 11, //cut some space for text from left
slider_textpanel_fade_duration: 200, //the fade duration of textpanel appear
slider_textpanel_enable_title: true, //enable the title text
slider_textpanel_enable_description: true, //enable the description text
slider_textpanel_enable_bg: true, //enable the textpanel background
slider_textpanel_bg_color:"#000000", //textpanel background color
slider_textpanel_bg_opacity: 0.4, //textpanel background opacity
slider_textpanel_title_color:null, //textpanel title color. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_font_family:null, //textpanel title font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_text_align:null, //textpanel title text align. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_font_size:null, //textpanel title font size. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_title_bold:null, //textpanel title bold. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_css_title:{}, //textpanel additional css of the title
slider_textpanel_desc_color:null, //textpanel description font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_font_family:null, //textpanel description font family. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_text_align:null, //textpanel description text align. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_font_size:null, //textpanel description font size. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_desc_bold:null, //textpanel description bold. if null - take from css
slider_textpanel_css_description:{}, //textpanel additional css of the description
slider_textpanel_bg_css:{}, //textpanel background css
//thumbs options
thumb_width:88, //thumb width
thumb_height:50, //thumb height
thumb_fixed_size:true, //true,false - fixed/dynamic thumbnail width
thumb_border_effect:true, //true, false - specify if the thumb has border
thumb_border_width: 0, //thumb border width
thumb_border_color: "#000000", //thumb border color
thumb_over_border_width: 0, //thumb border width in mouseover state
thumb_over_border_color: "#d9d9d9", //thumb border color in mouseover state
thumb_selected_border_width: 1, //thumb width in selected state
thumb_selected_border_color: "#d9d9d9", //thumb border color in selected state
thumb_round_corners_radius:0, //thumb border radius
thumb_color_overlay_effect: true, //true,false - thumb color overlay effect, release the overlay on mouseover and selected states
thumb_overlay_color: "#000000", //thumb overlay color
thumb_overlay_opacity: 0.4, //thumb overlay color opacity
thumb_overlay_reverse:false, //true,false - reverse the overlay, will be shown on selected state only
thumb_image_overlay_effect: false, //true,false - images overlay effect on normal state only
thumb_image_overlay_type: "bw", //bw , blur, sepia - the type of image effect overlay, black and white, sepia and blur.
thumb_transition_duration: 200, //thumb effect transition duration
thumb_transition_easing: "easeOutQuad", //thumb effect transition easing
thumb_show_loader:true, //show thumb loader while loading the thumb
thumb_loader_type:"dark", //dark, light - thumb loader type
//stript thumbs panel options
strippanel_padding_top:8, //space from top of the panel
strippanel_padding_bottom:8, //space from bottom of the panel
strippanel_padding_left: 0, //space from left of the panel
strippanel_padding_right: 0, //space from right of the panel
strippanel_enable_buttons: false, //enable buttons from the sides of the panel
strippanel_buttons_skin: "", //skin of the buttons, if empty inherit from gallery skin
strippanel_padding_buttons: 2, //padding between the buttons and the panel
strippanel_buttons_role : "scroll_strip", // scroll_strip, advance_item - the role of the side buttons
strippanel_enable_handle: true, //enable grid handle
strippanel_handle_align: "top", //top, middle, bottom , left, right, center - close handle tip align on the handle bar according panel orientation
strippanel_handle_offset: 0, //offset of handle bar according the valign
strippanel_handle_skin: "", //skin of the handle, if empty inherit from gallery skin
strippanel_background_color:"", //background color of the strip wrapper, if not set, it will be taken from the css
strip_thumbs_align: "left", //left, center, right, top, middle, bottom - the align of the thumbs when they smaller then the strip size.
strip_space_between_thumbs:6, //space between thumbs
strip_thumb_touch_sensetivity:15, //from 1-100, 1 - most sensetive, 100 - most unsensetive
strip_scroll_to_thumb_duration:500, //duration of scrolling to thumb
strip_scroll_to_thumb_easing:"easeOutCubic", //easing of scrolling to thumb animation
strip_control_avia:true, //avia control - move the strip according strip moseover position
strip_control_touch:true, //touch control - move the strip by dragging it